Hi Everyone,
Sorry this update took so long. Heather and Tina were having picture difficulties...
SOS sponsored a dance; more specifically, they put on the Sadie Hawkins dance on September 28th in the JCWC. I asked Dan Godnick while Tina asked Angelo Cannuli to be our escorts. Wow, whata blast we had! Danny and I went out to eat at Naple's Spaggetti House (yum!) then headed back to school (stopping breifly at the park to swing). We met up with Tina, Angelo, Heather, Mia, Richard, and Charlotte at the dance! There was almost no swing dance music, but Danny and I swing danced anyways to songs like "Girlfriend" by Avril Lavine. Danny coat-hangered me, and I don't mean the dance move. Ouch! Tina's date wasn't feeling well at that point. Poor guy! So Tina and he left to watch a movie in Trinity. Not twenty minutes later, after I "guetto-danced" (yeah right) with Heather, Danny busted his chin open doing the worm...oops. And yes I was incouraging him to do theworm in the first place. I take all responcibility. So the rest of our posse left with us to watch a movie (separate than Tina and Angelo) in Trinity. We watched Riddick! Oh, yeah!!
So, moral of the story is, dont swing dance to hip-hop songs and always remember that there is a reason why normal people do not wriggle on the ground.
Kodak moments!:

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